Pelvic Health Rehabilitation

Screening for Patient with Low Back Pain and Hip Pain
Do you urinate more than 8 times a day?
Do you have difficulty initiating urination?
Do you have burning with urination?
Do you feel that your bladder is not emptied after you have urinated?
Do you experience any urine loss (on way to bathroom or coughing/sneezing)?
Do you feel pelvic pressure?
Do you have less than one bowel movement every 3 days?
Do you have to strain or facilitate to have a bowel movement?
Is your stool lumpy/hard or have cracks on it?
Do you have pain during or after a bowel movement?
Do you experience painful intercourse?
Do you experience pelvic pain, i.e. vaginal, rectal, penile, testicular, perineal or pelvic?
Do you have pelvic pain with sitting?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, problems with your pelvic floor muscles, fascia or nerves may be contributing to your symptoms/pain. You may be a candidate for an assessment from a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist to assess your pelvic floor through internal palpation (vaginal or rectal exam). Please speak to your treating health care provider for more details.
Conditions We Treat
Urinary Incontinence – stress, urge, mixed
Overactive Bladder
Bowel Incontinence / IBS
Pelvic Pain
Pudendal Neuralgia
Perineal pain
Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder
Pelvic Organ Prolapse (bladder, uterine, vault and rectal )
Piriformis Syndrome – SIJ Dysfunction
Urological-based pelvic pain (Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis and Non-bacterial Chronic Prostatitis)
Post Op – Prostate surgery – Urinary Incontinence
Gynaecological-based pelvic pain (Endometriosis, Dysmenorrhoea)
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction during and after Pregnancy
Post Pregnancy or Post Op perineal scarring or pain
Diastasis Recti
Proctalgia Fugax
Levator Ani Syndrome
Anuradha Mayilvaganan PhD PT
Pelvic Health Therapist
Level I: The Physiotherapy Approach to Female and Male Urinary Incontinence.
Level II: Female and Male Pelvic Pain.
Level III: Clinical Skills For Treating Pain.